5 Great Instagram Accounts
Hello guys! Today I wanna let you guys know what my picks for the 5 greatest Instagrams are (listed below in no particular order). Obviously, there are a LOT more accounts that I love, but those are more like, personal accounts? Like Instagrams belonging to youtubers/models/bloggers/actors I like, and so they might not be 'great' for everyone. BUTTTT these 5 accounts, I'm sure all of you would like. Should like? Meh, I'm not your mother. Anyyywayyyy....
NUMERO UNO: I Have This Thing With Floors
You guys might probably already know about this really popular page. People post selfeets (is that a word yet?) on really gorgeous floors, and we love it. I don't know why, but we do. I mean, come on, LOOK at those floors! They're beautiful! Definitely one of my favorite accounts out there. (???out where???)
DUOS: Hot Dudes Reading
Okay this account is hilarious. And those dudes really are hot. AND THEY READ!!! But what I love best about this page, is the captionssss. Not only are they super funny, the people behind this page know how to work a good hashtag, that usually leave me a bit jealous over how brilliant they are!
TRES: My Kid Can't Eat This
Guys omg this account is hands down my favorite, even though I said this list would be in no particular order. Although actually, considering that my favorite account is coming third, it probably IS in no particular order. But there hasn't been a time when this account HASN'T made me laugh out loud. And I don't even mean the nose exhale thing we usually do, I'm talking about proper, real, sounds like bells laughter!
CUATRO: Robert Jahns
I feel like I've mentioned his account before, somewhere on this blog, but I don't care. Mostly cause I can't remember..... Okay so Mr Robert is mad talented in the art of photoshop. His feed consists of magical and mesmerizing pictures that leave you awe-struck, buttttt, they're not real! Well not really. They're mostly different images photoshopped together to create one hella rad picture. Must see.
FIFTH: Josh Hara
This is where my knowledge of Spanish numbers dies out. Although, I really could have googled what fifth is called, but oh well. ANYWAY. Josh Hara! He does this really cool thing where he draws amazing and funny stuff on coffee cups. I actually had a hard time believing he drew them by hand, some people are just crazy talented, and that makes me so happy.
This is where my knowledge of Spanish numbers dies out. Although, I really could have googled what fifth is called, but oh well. ANYWAY. Josh Hara! He does this really cool thing where he draws amazing and funny stuff on coffee cups. I actually had a hard time believing he drew them by hand, some people are just crazy talented, and that makes me so happy.
So these are 5 of my favorite Instagram accounts. I'd love to know your favorites! Also, if you wanna follow me on instagram, my username is @khadijasayshi. There, now that I've shamelessly publicized myself, I can end this post :p
Stay happy, stay kind and stay safe!
(Top Photo Source: I Have This Thing With Floors)
Stay happy, stay kind and stay safe!
(Top Photo Source: I Have This Thing With Floors)
Love your writing
Thank youu, means a lot xxx