Contact Me

22:32 khadijamuzaffar 0 Comments

Ahoy there, mateys! I would absolutely LOVE to hear from you, and I will most certainly reply to anyone who is darling enough to reach out to me! 

Send me an E-mail!
You can e-mail me at and I will get back to you as soon as I read your mail :) 
I would love to review your brand or product, provided you let me do so honestly and unbiasedly. For reviews, please email me at the above mentioned address. 
I'm very open to collaborations and guest posts, and if you want to write something for my blog (or vice versa) or if you just wanna talk,  just send me an email :)  

Send me a Tweet!
I am on twitter, so you can follow me and tweet me there. My handle is @khadijamuzaffar. (And my spout is non-existent because I'm not a little teapot.) (Bad joke, sorry, I know.)

Follow me on Pinterest!
My pinterest username is the same as everywhere else; @khadijamuzaffar. So you can follow me there too and view the gorgeous interior boards I have going on.

Follow me on Instagram!
I finally made a new instagram, so follow me, my username is @khadijasayshi AND I'M W8ING 4 U...ok sorry for being creepy.

Follow me on Bloglovin'
I dont know TOO much about bloglovin'-YET, but I do know that you can follow me there too, so why not? Follow me here :)

And of course, the quickest way would be to comment on ma bloggg. I would be very happy to asnwer any query or question you have :)
Stay safe and happy!
Khadija M.


I would love to hear from you. Let me know what you think!