Why butter really is the center of the universe.

03:55 khadijamuzaffar 0 Comments

So i was watching Julie and Julia (for the thousandth time, I guess. Really need to stop rewatching old moveis :/) last night, and it kind of made me realize that I'd been AWOL from my dear blog for quite some time now. Although of course, it was understandable, since I'd been caught up in all sorts of cats and other feline-related jokes. Yeah I dont even know what I'm trying to say right now. Basically, I'm baaaackkk. 

You know how whenever roosters do that thing where they go cock-a-doodle-doo? Well,
A: I've forgotten the actual word for it. Roostering??? Wat??
B: I always thought no one could actually wake up from that sound, but BOY was I wrong. The damn hens (??) kept...roostering all night yesterday, and I kept burrowing myself under the covers in hopes of drowning out the noise. Nonetheless, I couldn't help laughing at the irony of the situation, and I guess I fell asleep laughing. Not a bad way to sleep, might I add.

I really should get to the part about the butter now, enough ranting about roosters. It was my parents anniversary on the 19th, and I was obviously gonna make a cake. I was actually planning to do a roast chicken as well, butttt...no chicken <|3 And whats a roast chicken without chicken?? So anyway. Me. The cake. All three layers of it. (And a fourth 'spare' layer). And The Best Frosting Ever. Now, I do not say this lightly. It was better than any buttercream I had ever tasted, and was incredibly easy! 

ALAS! I missed out one small, but VERY crucial ingredient- A tablespoon of butter. A TABLESPOON OF BUTTER!!! And that one tablespoon was all it took to turn my frosting into a cocoa colored, runny frosting, rather than a dark, chocolate colored stiff frosting. SUCH a loss :/ And I only discovered what went wrong until the day after. So I hope you learnt like I did, why omitting butter in ANYTHING, is nothing short of a terrible sin. The cake still tasted smash-bang (??) though.

And today I am making my first ever bread. A traditional white bread, nothing fancy. BUT, I do intend to make some sourdough next, I just need to get the starter activating by today, and it'll be good to use in two days time. Hashtag Excited.

Anyyywayyy, here are a few fun links from the world wide web. Enjoy!

* Cinderella was my ALL TIME FAVE, and you NEED to watch this trailer for the LIVE ACTION MOVIE OF IT OMGGGG!!
*On a slightly relevant note, Disney Princess Posters I wish were real :/
*Types of Babies. Made me laugh. 
*Another hilarious tumblr, yoo haffta luk at dis xD
* I reallyyy want a wide brim floppy hat for the winters. So pretty *_*
*It is LITERALLY this easy to make creme fraiche. Seriously. And how pretty is the blog itself?

Enjoy your weekend my lovelies!
KD the Wookie. 


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