5 Great Instagram Accounts

10:59 khadijamuzaffar 2 Comments

Hello guys! Today I wanna let you guys know what my picks for the 5 greatest Instagrams are (listed below in no particular order). Obviously, there are a LOT more accounts that I love, but those are more like, personal accounts? Like Instagrams belonging to youtubers/models/bloggers/actors I like, and so they might not be 'great' for everyone. BUTTTT these 5 accounts, I'm sure all of you would like. Should like? Meh, I'm not your mother. Anyyywayyyy....

You guys might probably already know about this really popular page. People post selfeets (is that a word yet?) on really gorgeous floors, and we love it. I don't know why, but we do. I mean, come on, LOOK at those floors! They're beautiful! Definitely one of my favorite accounts out there. (???out where???)
A photo posted by I Have This Thing With Floors (@ihavethisthingwithfloors) on

Okay this account is hilarious. And those dudes really are hot. AND THEY READ!!! But what I love best about this page, is the captionssss. Not only are they super funny, the people behind this page know how to work a good hashtag, that usually leave me a bit jealous over how brilliant they are!

Guys omg this account is hands down my favorite, even though I said this list would be in no particular order. Although actually, considering that my favorite account is coming third, it probably IS in no particular order. But there hasn't been a time when this account HASN'T made me laugh out loud. And I don't even mean the nose exhale thing we usually do, I'm talking about proper, real, sounds like bells laughter! 

CUATRO: Robert Jahns
I feel like I've mentioned his account before, somewhere on this blog, but I don't care. Mostly cause I can't remember..... Okay so Mr Robert is mad talented in the art of photoshop. His feed consists of magical and mesmerizing pictures that leave you awe-struck, buttttt, they're not real! Well not really. They're mostly different images photoshopped together to create one hella rad picture. Must see.
A photo posted by Robert Jahns (@nois7) on

FIFTH: Josh Hara
This is where my knowledge of Spanish numbers dies out. Although, I really could have googled what fifth is called, but oh well. ANYWAY. Josh Hara! He does this really cool thing where he draws amazing and funny stuff on coffee cups. I actually had a hard time believing he drew them by hand, some people are just crazy talented, and that makes me so happy.  
A photo posted by Josh Hara (@yoyoha) on

So these are 5 of my favorite Instagram accounts. I'd love to know your favorites! Also, if you wanna follow me on instagram, my username is @khadijasayshi. There, now that I've shamelessly publicized myself, I can end this post :p 
Stay happy, stay kind and stay safe!

(Top Photo Source: I Have This Thing With Floors)


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